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4 Benefits of Ductless Mini-Splits in Reston, VA

ductless ac over windows Waterford-VA

Ductless mini-splits are HVAC solutions that many Reston, VA, residents already enjoy and love. They’re efficient, and they offer the homeowner consistent comfort. Here are four advantages of installing a ductless mini-split system.

Quiet Operation

Central air conditioners and furnaces tend to produce some noise when operating. However, ductless mini-split systems tend to run quieter. Factors that contribute to the quiet operation are the low-powered fans and the mini-split conduits. Because the air moving through these conduits is less turbulent, you’ll experience less noise.

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF)

Ductless mini-split systems have something called VRF, which helps deliver fine-tuned cool or warm air. The ductless system can constantly monitor the outdoor temperature and the indoor temperature to determine the amount of heating or cooling needed. The VRF enables the system to send only the required amount of refrigerant to the interior air handlers.

As a result, you enjoy maximum energy efficiency because the limitation of refrigerant use will keep the transfer of heat to a minimum. Because ductless units work in individual rooms, you can customize the temperature of every room instead of needlessly heating or cooling unused spaces.

Small Size

The air handlers and the outdoor condenser for ductless mini-splits are smaller than normal furnaces or central air conditioners. Due to the small size, experts can install the indoor units in various ways. For instance, they might choose to mount them on your wall, attach them to the ceiling or install them on the floor.

The fact this system is ductless also saves on space that the ductwork tends to take up. If your home or apartment is small, consider installing ductless mini-splits.

Install Anywhere

Since this system doesn’t depend on ductwork, you can install it even in areas like the garage or work shed. This is because the conduits connecting mini-splits to the condenser may run for a hundred feet without interruption. With a mini-split system, you can also enjoy cooling and heating comfort in rooms that are quite far.

Contact Burns Heating & Air LLC today if you’re considering ductless HVAC services in Reston, VA. Our helpful staff can answer any questions that you have.

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